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#22 In Cash We Trust – CÉSAR MARCÉN for Exquisite Workers

It has been a year we create the Exquisite Corpse on Instagram among hundreds of very talented emerging and established digital artists. Exquisite Corpse (from the original French term “cadavre exquis”) was a game played among the greatest Surrealists and…

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GIGOSO 01/12 – Vexcera, The Crown of Dreams

WORLD DESCRIPTION: Vexcera, in Supernal, means Crown of Dreams. This is probably the most poetically beautiful gas giant ever to be registered in the Colonial Roster. Vexcera is home to majestic and breathtaking cloudscapes, and awesomely beautiful, yet deadly, thunderstorms.…

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“I joke about many things, son of Ragnar, but never about ship-building.” ―Floki The Vikings called their warship a Drakkar. Long, sleek, and lightweight, its averaged 28 meters in length. The largest longship excavated was about seventy meters long. Its…

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