MONKEY D. LUFFY / MDL#001 / BBEFCE2021 / Luffy’s BOX Digital Collectibles of BANIME BOX Digital Collectibles

Epic First Collector’s Edition 2021
Original BANIME Production 2021

Monkey D. Luffy from Eiichiro Oda’s epic, “One Piece”
Purchasing this NFT will grant you access to a download link to the original illustration.

BANIME BOX Digital Collectibles
“Luffy’s BOX” is a set of digital art collectibles we have created showcasing original artwork one of our favorite Anime heroes from fiction and media.

The series will feature original work from various independent artists and will grant the collector special benefits, including artwork downloads, coupons & other fun exclusives as the project progresses.

Jump on the BANIME NFT train and own one of our first limited collector’s items.

No further EPIC BOX MDL #001 FIRST EDITION collectibles will be released in the future. Seize the opportunity to already secure the first epic BOX of the BANIME collection.

We know which moments in the ANIME world have shaped our lives and will therefore capture these moments for eternity.

Collection: Rarible

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