Com NFTts

Bitcoin Holy Grail

##### Bitcoin Holy Grail Bitcoin Decentralized cryptocurrency Denominations Plural bitcoins Symbol ₿ (Unicode: U+20BF ₿ BITCOIN SIGN (HTML ₿))[a] Ticker symbol BTC, XBT[b] Precision 10−8 Subunits  ​1⁄1000 millibitcoin  ​1⁄100000000 satoshi[2] Development Original author(s) Satoshi Nakamoto White paper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer…

NFT Overview


PP_F_018_1 is part of an ongoing series started in 2015 focusing on the heritage of landscape painting, and more broadly a reflection on man’s tradition of representing nature. Drawing from Impressionism, Quayola pursues a methodic observation of natural patterns using…

NFT Overview

#A73 Mining at low cost, see description, 1st NFT Cryptocurrency -> CryptoCoin 1 NEther “S/N: A73”

(Congratulations! The collection has been reviewed and approved by OpenSea). All what you want to know about this new NFT Cryptocurrency is well described in the website: []() And follow us on [Twitter]() to be updated with the latest news…

NFT Overview


This work is a collaboration between “one of the godfathers of pop art” Derek Boshier and Shapeshifter7 who share authorship of the work and will share in the revenue of the primary sale and any subsequent sales on the secondary…

NFT Overview

Spicy Curry Ice Cream with Döner Kebab Topping NFT

This original Visual Toy belongs to the collection of six Visual Toys entitled “Cyber ​​Fast Food” being this, “Spicy Curry Ice Cream with Döner Kebab” Topping the jewel of the collection. Dedicated to the contemporary success of this fast food…

NFT Overview


Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System Satoshi Nakamoto [email protected] Abstract ————- A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures…

NFT Overview

Floating Keys by Shawn Mendes x Genies

***Piece 3 of the full 3-Piece Genies Statue Set.*** **This Genies Statue NFT unlocks a unique and rare Wonder Ring as a Genies Wearable that can be used for your own Genie. Collecting ALL THREE Genies Statue NFTs unlocks the…

NFT Overview

Coin’s E-Den Cosplay Crypto Puzzle 18/20

Cosplay Crypto-Puzzle Presale 18/20 TL;DR 1) The first owner of this NFT will receive $COIN prior to token launch 2) NFT will be updated with a new promotional image alongside the $COIN token launch 3) The promotional image update will…

NFT Overview
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